
Are you looking to grow your business, increase profits, streamline your processes, and gain insight into the automotive industry? Our Team at ESi, Educational Seminars Institute, have a lifetime of hands-on, real-world auto repair shop experience of teaching and coaching in the business, and are here to impart their knowledge through our monthly blogs, just for you. Each member of Esi, Educational Seminars Institute, comes to you with an attitude of servitude. ESi, Educational Seminars Institute is your premier educational institute to turn to when you are ready to take your business to the next level. If you are looking for social media marketing help or a business coach in the automotive industry that has the knowledge and experience to help you rekindle your passion, turn to the experts at ESi. We pride ourselves in helping you gain control of your business and require no contract for our services. Call us at 866-526-3039 or schedule an appointment today, and we will help reconnect you with your why and your passion.

Tag Archives: Selling

Confident Selling and You - Do You Believe?

When I first started selling automotive service I was always puzzled by why some customers bought and others did not. At first I thought it was that they did not need what I was selling, but the more I became a student of my position I realized that everyone who I came in contact with needed what I was selling; their car fixed. They did not get up in the morning and say “I have nothing better to do today so I’m going to take my car to the repair shop!” So when I came to realize that I was doing something to create the “no sale” customer, I started to analyze each and every sale, both yes and no. I spent a great deal of time learning about sales and the psychology of selling. Very soon it became clear to me where the issue was... it was ME! This was a harsh reality and it was darn hard to accept, but true. I had lost slam dunk sales... they never said no till today. I made sales that I would have never have thought possible. Why? Because of my level of confidence ... read more


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automotive business training and coaching

10 Dirty little secrets for shop owners - Educational Seminars Institute

The expert consultants at Educational Seminars Institute will share with you some of the methods they normally charge to reveal to clients.